ka wu ka wu pin to si yo la ma sen Heya 卡烏卡烏平多西有拉馬線 嘿呀 ka wu ka wu pin to si yo la ma sen 卡烏卡烏平多西有拉馬線 ha ha lu lu lu lu 哈哈嚕嚕嚕嚕 lu lu lu lu yo wu 嚕嚕嚕嚕喲烏 ka wu ka wu pin to si yo la ma sen 卡烏卡烏平多西有拉馬線 a yi ya na to sa na si ho han 啊伊呀那多姍那西和漢 a yi ya no lin na san na do si yeo do la go lian 啊伊呀諾林那姍那多西有多拉過連 pin pin pon pon pin pon pon 賓賓碰碰賓碰碰 hei a hei a hei yi ya 嘿啊嘿啊嘿伊呀
Ina-aw haya ama-aw so-lolen kako ina ki-li-men ko fa-'inay ako matoka-dafo namo ina anocaayi kamopisolol to-tiren ako ina o-maan a-ya kokaponamo a ciwawa itakowanan
ina-aw haya ama-aw so-lolen kako ina ki-li-men ko fa-fahi ako matoka-dafo namo ina anocaayi kamopisolo to-tilen ako ina o-maan a-ya kokaponamo a ciwawa itakowanan
上一篇的兔子舞 I ( Sho-jo-ji,Come Come Everybody,証城寺の狸囃子 )是台灣限定,這篇的兔子舞所用的Letka Jenkka則是世界通用。原曲來自芬蘭,舞步也同樣來自芬蘭。嚴格來說,不應該稱為兔子舞,而是企鵝舞( PENGUIN'S GAME )才對。目前流行的舞步是由芬蘭傳統舞步中改編而來,原本的音樂也因搭配舞步而有所變化,先來介紹原先的舞步。
Jenkka ['jeŋkːɑ] is a fast Finnish partner dance originated in Finnish folk dance, the Finnish version of Schottische. It is danced to the music in 2/4 or 4/4 time signature of about 140 beats per minute.
Men and women do similar steps. The initial dance position is the man is to the left of the woman both facing in the direction of the line of dance, with their inner arms on each other's waists. The dancers go forward in a run similar to Polka: "left-right-left-hop(on the left foot)", "right-left-right-hop". After than they join the free arms, assume the face-to-face closed dance position and proceed with the chain of pivot turns stepping "left-right-left-right" or "left-hop-right-hop". The runs of similar steps are normally started at the beginnings of musical phrases.
兔子舞,分類上屬準土風舞中的舞會遊戲。這篇介紹的歌曲,中文版本歌名是小白兔愛跳舞,相信沒有人沒聽過,而這也是稱為兔子舞的原因之一。前面的文章也提過,這首原曲是日本童謠 証城寺の狸囃子,但這只是指歌曲的原曲,實際上舞曲的原曲並不是來自日本,而是美國的Sho-Jo-Ji (The hungry Raccoon,飢餓的貍)。一來,美國的編曲與節奏比較輕快,比童謠更容易讓人接受,再者,在那個禁止日本文化與語言的年代,是不可能在公開場合播放日本歌曲的,所以用於兔子舞的歌曲就變成Sho-Jo-Ji (The hungry Raccoon ),而不是証城寺の狸囃子了。
From this valley they say you are leaving We shall miss your bright eyes & sweet smile For you take with you are of the sun-shine That has brightened our pathway for a while
For a long time my darling I’m with you For the sweeper you never would say Now at last you’re my thumper And that is for they say that you’re going away
Then come & sit by my side if you love me Do not hasten to bid me adieu Just remember the red river valley And the cowboy has loved you so true
今天,要從一則編舞的故事,來告訴大家土風舞與社交舞之間的淵源。沙漠之歌是台灣土風舞萌芽期最早的舞曲音樂之一,原曲名是Song Of The Nairobi Trio ( 內羅畢三重奏之歌 ) ,另一說是Arabian Cha Cha( 阿拉伯恰恰 ) 。為何不直接稱為內華畢三重奏之歌或阿拉伯恰恰呢,而要稱為沙漠之歌呢??這跟那個禁舞的年代歷史有關,只是說來話長,有興趣的先看相關原文敘述 ( 百度百科 沙漠之歌 ,張親民CMC(3C整合師) CMC懷舊:土風舞的王-沙漠之歌舞曲 ),個人分析會寫於本篇文章後段。
本舞曲算是早期相當流行的土風舞音樂,旋律簡單又特別,聽過一次後就很難忘,也就很容易拿來教學之用。舞步部份也不難,跟雙人恰恰一樣,算是雙人土風舞中的基本版。前面所提到的兩個歌曲源出,分析內容後,以Song Of The Nairobi Trio ( 內羅畢三重奏之歌 ) 的說法可信度最高,Arabian Cha Cha( 阿拉伯恰恰 )的說法可能是誤解。沙漠之歌的由來,可能是當時有部電影叫沙漠之歌 (The desert song),在怕說抄襲美國電視作品的情況下,就用了一個跟原曲毫不相干的電影名稱來用,而Song Of The Nairobi Trio的創作年代為1953年。