這首小小女童軍光芒,或可以說是小小童子軍光芒,原曲是出自宗教歌曲,後被美國女童軍所採用,然後再傳到其他國家。因為原傳入的英文歌是小小女童軍光芒 ( THIS LITTLE GUIDING LIGHT ),所以使用頻率上是女童軍為多。曲調上,我們的旋律跟原曲有不小差異,這是因為美國女童軍採用時,已經有做旋律上的改編 ( 網站MIDI連結 ),然後跟世界女童軍歌一樣,又將曲調唱得慢且嚴肅些。而最初的原曲是由Harry Dixon Loes於1920年所寫的兒童福音歌曲,就先來原曲吧~~
This little light of mine/I'm gonna let it shine
This little light of mine/I'm gonna let it shine
This little light of mine/I'm gonna let it shine
Let it shine/Let it shine/Let it shine
Everywhere I go/I'm gonna let it shine
Everywhere I go/I'm gonna let it shine
Everywhere I go/I'm gonna let it shine
Let it shine/Let it shine/Let it shine
Hide it under a bushel Oh no!/I'm going to let it shine
Hide it under a bushel Oh no!/I'm going to let it shine
Hide it under a bushel Oh no!/I'm going to let it shine
Let it Shine/All the time/Let it shine/Oh yeah!
Jesus gave it to me/I'm gonna let it shine
Jesus gave it to me/I'm gonna let it shine
Jesus gave it to me/I'm gonna let it shine
Let it shine/Let it shine/Let it shine
Don't let the Satan blow it out/I'm going to let it shine
Don't let the Satan blow it out/I'm going to let it shine
Don't let the Satan blow it out/I'm going to let it shine
Let it Shine/All the time/Let it shine/Oh yeah!
This little Guiding light of mine,
I'm going to let it shine,
This little Guiding light of mine,
I'm going to let it shine,
This little Guiding light of mine,
I'm going to let it shine,
Let it shine all the time,
Let it shine.
Don't you (pouf) my little light out
I'm going to let it shine etc.
Take my little light round the block
I'm going to let it shine etc.
Hide it under a bushel? Oh, no,
I'm going to let it shine etc.
Last verse:
Don't you (pouf) my little light out
I'm going to let it shine
Take my little light round the block
I'm going to let it shine
Hide it under a bushel? Oh, no,
I'm going to let it shine
Let it shine all the time, let it shine.
基本上,除了將比較宗教意涵的名詞,如耶穌、撒旦修改掉外,就是歌詞內嵌入女童軍 (Guiding),以及多了不要遮蔽這小小光 ( Don't you pout my little light ) 這段歌詞。而中文的歌詞也大概就美國女童軍所修改的那五段內容,然後直接翻譯成中文。所以完整的小小女童軍光芒,應該有五段歌詞,但很少團與伙伴是能完整唱完的。
小小的童軍光芒 我要它照耀
小小的童軍光芒 我要它照耀
小小的童軍光芒 我要它照耀
讓它照 讓它照 永遠的照
請不要遮蔽這小小光 我要它照耀
請不要遮蔽這小小光 我要它照耀
請不要遮蔽這小小光 我要它照耀
讓它照 讓它照 永遠的照
發揚這光芒到全世界 我要它照耀
發揚這光芒到全世界 我要它照耀
發揚這光芒到全世界 我要它照耀
讓它照 讓它照 永遠的照
藏它在罩子底下啊嘿(噢!不) 我要它照耀
藏它在罩子底下啊嘿(噢!不) 我要它照耀
藏它在罩子底下啊嘿(噢!不) 我要它照耀
讓它照 讓它照 永遠的照
請不要遮蔽這小小光 我要它照耀
發揚這光芒到全世界 我要它照耀
藏在它罩子底下啊嘿(噢!不) 我要它照耀
讓它照 讓它照 永遠的照
然後唱了這麼久,才知道中文歌詞上有段出了問題,就是 [ 藏它在罩子底下啊嘿 我要它照耀 ] 這句,如果對照英文歌詞 [ Hide it under a bushel? Oh,no,I'm going to let shine ],應該翻譯成 [ 藏它在罩子底下,噢!不,我要它照耀 ] 才對。因為光是中文就不合邏輯了 ( 藏在罩子底下,又如何讓它照耀??),更別說翻譯上的錯誤了~~