這首歌是跳蛇舞常用的歌曲 ( Hey ho no body home ),而蛇舞則是起源於幼童軍活動,描述蟒蛇卡阿吞噬猴群班大洛那段所用,故事連結『卡阿的遠征』。原本應該是沒有歌曲的,不曉得何時用了這首Nobody home,然後流行於行義與羅浮間,專門在營火時表演,且以挑戰高難度的動作為樂,而每次也定會在大型活動時看到這樣的演出。但這首歌跟蛇舞的連結性很弱,頂多說這首也是美國童軍常常運用的歌曲,而最初來源應該是出自加拿大伐木工人所唱的歌曲,但目前的資料顯示,更早可以追溯到16世紀的英國,敘述片段如後,"Hey, Ho, Nobody Home" probably dates back to the 16th century, though its origins are obscure. We do know that it is from England and was a favorite of the carolers who went from door to door at Christmastime, soliciting food and drink in exchange for their harmony. Versions can be sund and played as is [unison], or in the form of a three-part round."
"Heigh, ho, nobody home" (breath)
"Meat, nor drink, nor money have I none" (BIG BREATH)
"Yet, I will be merry, very merry, Heigh, ho" (ANOTHER BIG BREATH)