第一次聽到「往事如昨」這首歌,也是在看電影「茱麗葉」的時候,不過當時比較注意「少年的我」這首歌,反到忽略了「往事如昨」的存在,直到重新再看一次電影,才發現「往事如昨」這首歌似乎更有介紹的價值。這首的原曲是When you and I were young, Maggie ( 當你我都年輕,瑪姬),為1864年的流行歌曲,現在的美國民謠,原為George Washington Johnson的詩,後由其朋友J.A.Butterfield 譜成曲。中文版本則由蔣榮伊填詞,鳳飛飛演唱,收錄在1987年6月發行的專輯「什麼樣的你」。 此首為離別之歌,活動結束前唱這首歌是很有感覺的。
作詞 蔣榮伊 作曲 J.A.Butterfield
往事難忘 溫馨如昨 依然蕩漾心頭
春去春回 年年如夢 但願你勿忘我
別時匆匆 互道珍重 離歌聲聲情濃
年華易逝 友情如昨 依然常攜心頭
花開花落 幾翻如夢 但願你勿忘我
往事難忘 溫馨如昨 依然蕩漾心頭
離別容易 相見如夢 真情常在心中
何年何日 才能相逢 重溫往日舊夢
年華易逝 友情如昨 依然常攜心頭
悲歡歲月 依稀如夢 但願你勿忘我
別時匆匆 互道珍重 離歌聲聲情濃
年華易逝 友情如昨 依然常攜心頭
花開花落 幾翻如夢 但願你勿忘我
往事難忘 溫馨如昨 依然蕩漾心頭
春去春回 年年如夢 但願你勿忘我
年華易逝 友情如昨 依然常攜心頭
花開花落 幾翻如夢 但願你勿忘我
往事難忘 溫馨如昨 依然蕩漾心頭
春去春回 年年如夢 但願你勿忘我
詞 George Washington Johnson 曲 J.A.Butterfield
I wandered today to the hills maggie
To watch the scene below
The creek and the creaking old mill maggie
Where we used to long long ago
The green growth is gone from the hills maggie
Where first the daisise spring
The creaking old mill is still maggie
Since you and i were young
Oh they say that i'm feeble with age maggie
My steps are less sprightly than then
My face is a well written page, Maggie
But time alone was the pen.
They say we are aged and grey, Maggie
As spray by the white breakers flung
But to me you're as fair as you were, Maggie
When you and I were young.
And now we are aged and grey, Maggie
The trials of life nearly done
Let us sing of the days that are gone, Maggie
When you and I were young