在寫澳洲篇之前,特地去找了一位懂中文,目前為澳洲童軍的服務員,問她除了「笑翠鳥(Kookaburra)」外,還有什麼澳洲童軍歌曲可以推薦的,結果回應是「她也沒學到什麼歌,都沒有人教...」,所以呢...澳洲也跟紐西蘭一樣,只有一首歌「笑翠鳥(Kookaburra)」被收錄在世界童軍歌本中。雖然只有一首,但這首「笑翠鳥(Kookaburra)」卻是不折不扣的童軍歌曲,是1932年時,澳洲教師Marion Sinclair為女童軍所寫,1934年在Frankston Victoria舉行的Jamboree公開發表,當時貝登堡爵士也在場,後來這首歌就被世界女童軍總會當成澳洲童軍歌曲收錄。然後,澳洲也跟紐西蘭一樣,為大英國協的一份子,基本上流傳於世界各地的英文童謠都可以交流,只是沒有「笑翠鳥(Kookaburra)」這麼具有代表性...




Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree
Merry, merry king of the bush is he
Laugh, Kookaburra! Laugh, Kookaburra!
Gay your life must be

Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree
Eating all the gum drops he can see
Stop, Kookaburra! Stop, Kookaburra!
Leave some there for me

Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree
Counting all the monkeys he can see
Stop, Kookaburra! Stop, Kookaburra!
That's not a monkey that's me

Kookaburra sits on a rusty nail
Gets a boo-boo in his tail
Cry, Kookaburra! Cry, kookaburra!
Oh how life can be









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