電影「真善美電影(The Sound of Music,1959)」 中有不少歌曲是讓人記憶深刻,至今還在流傳,而且起碼有四首歌以上是值得介紹的。之前介紹過了多雷米之歌 ( Do-Re-Mi The Sound of Music,1956 ) 與 雪絨花 ( Edelweiss,The Sound of Music,1959 ),今天來介紹用約德爾調(Yodeling)所演唱的「lonely goatherd(孤獨的牧羊人)」。介紹到目前為止八首約德爾調(Yodeling)的歌曲,可以發現除了日本自己創作的約德爾調(Yodeling)歌曲外,都是德語演唱,不論是瑞士德語還是奧地利德語,基本上阿爾卑斯山周遭用約德爾調(Yodeling)演唱的民族,都是德語系的民族,像瑞士本身有三種主要語系,其他兩個語系-法語系與義大利語系,就不會用約德爾調(Yodeling)唱歌。所以除了瑞士、奧地利外,德國有些歌曲也受到約德爾調(Yodeling)的樂風所影響,在旋律與歌詞中會帶著約德爾調(Yodeling)的感覺,這有機會再做介紹~另外,這首的中文歌名是「孤獨的牧羊人」,日文歌名則為「ひとりぼっちの羊飼い」,都是符合原意的翻譯歌名。明天就是準備將「漫談約德爾調」系列作個暫結,相信大家一連聽了八首約德爾調(Yodeling),也差不多該混亂了吧XD~




High on a hill was a lonely goatherd
Lay ee odl lay ee odl lay hee hoo
Loud was the voice of the lonely goatherd
Lay ee odl lay ee odl-oo

Folks in a town that was quite remote heard
Lay ee odl lay ee odl lay hee hoo
Lusty and clear from the goatherd's throat heard
Lay ee odl lay ee odl-oo

the Children:
O ho lay dee odl lee o, o ho lay dee odl ay
O ho lay dee odl lee o, lay dee odl lee o lay

A prince on the bridge of a castle moat heard
Lay ee odl lay ee odl lay hee hoo
Men on a road with a load to tote heard
Lay ee odl lay ee odl-oo

the Children:
Men in the midst of a table d'hote heard
Lay ee odl lay ee odl lay hee hoo
Men drinking beer with the foam afloat heard
Lay ee odl lay ee odl-oo

One little girl in a pale pink coat heard
Lay ee odl lay ee odl lay hee hoo
She yodeled back to the lonely goatherd
Lay ee odl lay ee odl-oo

Soon her Mama with a gleaming gloat heard
Lay ee odl lay ee odl lay hee hoo
What a duet for a girl and goatherd
Maria and the Children:
Lay ee odl lay ee odl-oo

Maria and the Children:
Ummm (ummm) . . .
Odl lay ee (odl lay ee)
Odl lay hee hee (odl lay hee hee)
Odl lay ee . . .
. . . yodeling . . .

One little girl in a pale pink coat heard
Lay ee odl lay ee odl lay hoo hoo
She yodeled back to the lonely goatherd
Lay ee odl lay ee odl-oo

Soon her Mama with a gleaming gloat heard
Lay ee odl lay ee odl lay hmm hmm
What a duet for a girl and goatherd
Lay ee odl lay ee odl-oo

Maria and the Children:
Happy are they lay dee olay dee lee o . . .
. . . yodeling . . .
Soon the duet will become a trio
Lay ee odl lay ee odl-oo

Maria and the Children:
Odl lay ee, old lay ee
Odl lay hee hee, odl lay ee
Odl lay odl lay, odl lay odl lee, odl lay odl lee
Odl lay odl lay odl lay

the Children:






既然是電影「真善美電影(The Sound of Music,1959)」中的歌曲,就應該會有中文翻唱歌詞,於是就找了一下,果然還是有幾部影片可以參考的。
















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