「飲酒歌」原曲為「La Traviata」,意旨「墮落的女人」,是歌劇「茶花女」中最讓人熟知的演唱歌曲,作曲者為Giuseppe Verdi,原文歌詞則為Francesco Maria Piave所作。著名歌劇之中,有很多歌曲跟世界民曲一樣,都為世人熟知,雖然大部分都有翻譯成中文歌詞,但要聽到有人唱並不是那麼容易。除非像「夏天裡過海洋」一樣,把整段歌詞重新填寫,不然就算是唱中文,聽起來還是像含著滷蛋唱歌,實在聽不懂到底是不是在唱中文....




譯詞:佚名  作曲:Giuseppe Verdi

合:啊!今夜在一起使我們多麼歡暢,一切使我們流連難忘! 讓東方美麗的朝霞透過花窗,照在狂歡的宴會上!

(資料來源):古典音樂筆記(10)---威爾第(Verdi)的Libiamo飲酒歌(Drinking Song) (乾杯の歌) - 洛城冰牛奶茶坊-----美國南加州洛杉磯第一大華人部落格 - 新浪部落






作詞Francesco Maria Piave  作曲Giuseppe Verdi
Libiamo, libiamo ne’lieti calici Let us drink from the goblets of joy
che la belleza infiora. adorned with beauty,
E la fuggevol ora s’inebrii and and the fleeting hour shall be adorned
a volutt . with pleasure.
Libiamo ne’dolci fremiti Let us drink to the secret raptures
che suscita l’amore, which love excites,
poich  quell’ochio al core for this eye reigns supreme in my heart...
omnipotente va.  
Libiamo, amore fra i calici Let us drink, for with wine
pi  caldi baci avr . love will enjoy yet more passionate kisses.
Tra voi, tra voi sapr  dividere With you I can spend
il tempo mio giocondo; the time with delight.
Tutto   follia nel mondo ci  In life everything is folly
che non   piacer. which does not bring pleasure.
Godiam, fugace e rapido Let us be happy, fleeting and rapid
e’il gaudio dell’amore, is the delight of love;
e’un fior che nasce e muore, it is a flower which blooms and dies,
ne pi  si pu  goder. which can no longer be enjoyed.
Godiam, c’invita un fervido Let us be happy, fervent and enticing words
accento lusighier. summon us.
(Godiamo, la tazza e il cantico (Be happy... wine and song
la notte abbella e il riso; and laughter beautify the night;
in questo paradiso ne sopra let the new day find us in this paradise.)
il nuovo d .)  
La vita   nel tripudio Life is nothing but pleasure,
quando non s’ami ancora. as long as one is not in love.
Nol dite a chi l’ignora, Don’t say that to one who does not know it.
e’ il mio destin cos ... That is my fate...

 義大利+英文 歌詞對照

資料來源︰古典音樂筆記(10)---威爾第(Verdi)的Libiamo飲酒歌(Drinking Song) (乾杯の歌) - 洛城冰牛奶茶坊-----美國南加州洛杉磯第一大華人部落格 - 新浪部落








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