最近有很多朋友都在FB上分享「雞雞攻擊之術(Chicken Attack)」,一下子蔚為風潮,就跟去年的「PPAP」與「恋ダンス」一樣,沒聽過甚至不知道動作就落伍一樣。而略懂音樂的人都曉得,「雞雞攻擊之術(Chicken Attack)」是用約德爾調(Yodeling)所演唱,這是源自阿爾卑斯山的傳統演唱方式,在瑞士與奧地利等區域,都可以聽到這類歌曲,不算稀有,而過去也有不少世界名曲或是國台語流行歌曲,是用約德爾調(Yodeling)唱法所演唱的,只是不提還真很多人都不知道。過去也曾經用專文介紹過一首童軍伙伴一直唱錯,搞錯歌名與來源,很有名的童軍歌曲,而這首將會在明天重新介紹。本周,將會一連介紹五首用約德爾調(Yodeling)方式演唱的歌曲,今天,就來聽聽這首相當洗腦的「雞雞攻擊之術(Chicken Attack)」吧!!同時會在粉絲團的回應底下,附註明天要介紹的歌曲影片....




作詞:Jeremy Weiner, Lee Ellenberg 作曲:The Gregory Brothers

You should know that a man with the power of nature
can bring you to the end of your luck
And you should know by my stride and the look in my eye
that you’re about to be massively forced to give up!

Chicken attack!
Chicken attack!
Watch your back before it fades to black
They might look harmless but they’ll kick your non-chicken ass

Go chicken go!
Go chicken go!
Now go, now fly
You own the sky

With the power of nature you’re never alone
and you can’t let evil run amok
Every beast, every tree follows me to the end
and you’re about to be massively fucked!

Chicken attack!
Chicken attack!
Watch your back before it fades to black
They might look harmless but they’ll kick your non-chicken ass

Go chicken go!
Go chicken go!
Now go, now fly
You own the sky

You’re young and you’re hungry,
perhaps short on money
I give you this chicken today

Its eggs for your dinner,
its legs for next winter,
you won’t have to steal again

Go chicken go!
Go chicken go!
Now go, now fly
You own the sky






「雞雞攻擊之術(Chicken Attack)」歌曲演唱者就是影片中的白髮老頭石井健雄,在日本他算是用約德爾調(Yodeling)演唱的名人,目前住在德國,從過去的影片就可以知道,他還真喜歡唱有關雞的歌曲,而今年適逢雞年(丁酉),就這麼老來俏,讓全世界都認識這麼一個喜歡用約德爾調(Yodeling)唱有關雞歌的人。







    創作者 快樂的大頭 的頭像


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